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Software Support Center Common Questions | known issues | version history Refer to the following answers to commonly asked questions (also known as frequently asked questions or FAQs). If your question is not answered below, please send your question by e-mail to our Support Group and we will respond as soon as possible. VB2Java.Com Products - General Questions
General Questions
General Questions
VBSD10102191 - The pre-installation note says that double clicking on any VBS, VBE or JS file will go to notepad. How is this going to effect any Script files that I've included in my HTML files? Your Script files that are accessed from your HTML file will work as they alway have because Script files in HTML are processed by the Web Server (IIS, Apache, and so on). VBS Defender only changes the default action that Windows relies on. Default action refers to what Windows does when a file has been double-clicked on. On many files, the default action is the Open command. For example, when you double-click on a file with the extension, DOC, the word processor you have installed on your system opens the file. By design, script files default action is Open, which means execute the script file. VBS Defender changes the default action from Open to Edit. Edit means the file will be opened with Notepad. If you want to run the script file, click the script file with right mouse button. From the popup context menu, select Open and the script will perform normally. VBSD10102192 - After using VBS Defender, the scripts I had in my Startup folder no longer they execute, they open in Notepad. How do I get this work again? To make your scripts work as before, shortcut in the Startup folder needs to be updated. Click the right button on the Start button. Select the Open menu item and this will open up Windows Explorer. Open the Programs folder, then open the Shortcuts folder. Click on the script file you want to edit with the right mouse button and select Properties from the popup context menu. In the Target field on the Shortcut tab, added WSCRIPT and a space before the name of the script file. For example, WSCRIPT numlock.vbs Click OK to apply the changes and you're done. The purpose of VBS Defender is not to prevent you from executing your script files, its to prevent you from accidently executing script files by double-clicking on them. VBSD10103021 -I tried to run VBS Defender on a couple of computers and I'm getting a message that it requires the MSVBVM60.DLL. What is this DLL and where can I download it from? VBS Defender was written in Visual Basic 6.0; therefore, it requires that the Visual Basic Run-Time DLL (MSVBVM60.DLL) is installed on the computer. To get the latest version of the Visual Basic Run-Time DLL, download the following self-extracting executable and install it on the computer you plan to run VBS Defender on.
Click the file name below to download the file: To read more about what files are installed and updated, click on the following link: VBRun60sp4.exe Installs Visual Basic 6.0 SP4 Run-Time Files I'm not experiencing any problems with my system, what will your program do for me? If you're not experiencing any problems with your system, then our software isn't for you. If you occasionally get system crashes, our program can help diagnose potential problems. In many cases, system crashes are due to DLL conflicts and our software is designed to help identify these conflict. I ran your program and it messed up my system, what can I do? DLL Checker does not delete any files from your system, it leaves them in their original folders and just renames them. Renaming the file back to its original name will restore functionality. The DLL Checker log file will show you all files that have been renamed and the date(s) that the action was taken. I think I deleted a renamed file, what do I do now? Reload the software from the original media. I used your program just once for 5 minutes and it solved my problems. I don't need it anymore, can I have a refund? Yes - When one of the following occurs within ten days of purchase:
I see DLL Checker Help in the DLL Checker's Start Menu entry. When I select it, nothing appears. Why? The help file is written as a compiled HTML Help file. That means that need the Microsoft HTML Help Viewer. You can download it by clicking on this link. However, you will need Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 or later installed on your system. How do I register DLL Checker, and how much does it cost? You can order the registered version of DLL Checker over the Internet with a credit card via our ordering agents or send them a check or purchase order. See the Order page for details. A single user license of DLL Checker costs $25. For details on other pricing, see the Order page. If I order the registered version of DLL Checker, will I need to pay for upgrades in the future? We don't plan to make you pay for each upgrade. That would be ludicrous! (or we'd be Microsoft) Your registration fee is a one-time fee that entitles you to all minor upgrades (1.0, 1.0.5, 1.1, etc). There may, however, be an upgrade charge for major revisions (v2.0, etc.) in the future. Is there a version for DOS, Windows 3.1, OS/2 or the Mac? DLL Checker is designed for Windows 9x and NT 4 or higher / 2000. There are no plans for DOS, OS/2, Mac or Unix versions. When I scanned for *.dll files, I got over 2,000 DLLs! Is this too much? A fairly clean system with minimal software will have 1,200-1,500 DLLs. A large system with many applications can have many, many more. Some of our developers have well over 4,000 and they behave well. (Not the developers, the DLLs) The most important thing to remember is that you don't need to rename all the duplicate files. If you're not having any system problems, then don't worry about them. With that said, the duplicate files you should be most concerned with are the six (6) mentioned in the section "Duplicate DLL Problems" under the "DLL Hell" topic in the application's Help File. There seem to be a lot of DLL files in my temporary folder. What should I do with them? The \windows\temp folder is the default location for temporary files. Some systems have the temp folder somewhere else on the system. Regardless of where it resides, when Windows is properly shut down it will remove the files that were created by the operating system during that session. Many programs also use that folder for their own temporary needs, but some don't cleanup after themselves very well. If you see directories similar to \_istmpxxx.dir, it means it was created when you were installing a program. Most likely you've had some crashes while trying to install software and the installation files were left behind. Bottom line is that it's perfectly safe to delete ALL the files in the \windows\temp folder, or where ever your temp folder resides. All of the files were created for temporary use and the need of them has long since passed. I'm using Windows NT and there are two system folders, System and System32. What is the difference? Windows NT is more of a 32-bit operating system than Windows 9x is because it does not rely on DOS. That's right, Windows 9x still relies on a version of DOS. In order for Windows NT to be backwards compatible with 16-bit Windows applications, it has a Windows 16-bit subsystem. The System folder is used for all 16-bit Windows resources designed specifically for Windows 3.x applications. The System32 folder is used for all the other common resource files for Win9x and NT based applications. When the duplicate DLLs are highlighted, which one should I rename and why? When you see multiple versions of a file, or multiple files with the same version, you need to make sure that latest version of the file is in the Windows System directory.
For example:
If you run Paradox first, then another program that requires the BWCC.DLL, you won't encounter a problem. If you any other program first that requires BWCC.DLL first, then Paradox, it is very likely that you will have an error. That's because one version of the DLL can be loaded in memory at one time. Windows first looks in the directory a program is launched in for resource files, then the Windows\System file. In the first scenario, version 2.0 is loaded in memory. In the second scenario, the BWCC.DLL is loaded from the Windows System directory, which is an older version. Older versions don't have all the code modules that the newer versions will have. If you load Paradox while Version 1.3 is still in memory, Paradox may try to access the DLL for a function and if its not there, you get a system error.
Resolution: First, select the copy in the C:\Windows\System subdirectory and
click on the select row with the right mouse button to bring up the context menu.
Select Rename File from the menu. This will rename the file to BWCC.D_L. Then
select copy of the file in the C:\Paradox subdirectory and click on the selected row
with the right mouse button to again bring up the context menu. Select Copy to
System Folder form the menu and the file will be copied to the C:\Windows\System
Why does the program only rename the file and not delete them? DLL Checker only renames files by design. We don't recommend or condone deleting DLLs until you're absolutely and positively sure they aren't needed. We don't recommend deleting DLLs because we have found that if for some reason you removed a DLL and you shouldn't have, how are you going to restore the file? If you rename the file and for whatever reason Windows complains that it can't find a DLL, you can always rename the file back its original name. If you delete the file, its usually not that simple. So how can you be absolutely sure that after you rename the files you no longer need them? We recommend that you leave the renamed files where they are. Use your computer the same way you normally use it for several weeks, even a couple of months just to be sure because you might not use every program. For example you may use WordPerfect every day, but you only use Quattro Pro once a month. There's no harm in leaving the files on your hard drive. If you want to remove the renamed files due to low hard drive space, first take a look in your Temp directory, Internet browser's Cache and History directories, and the Recycle Bin. Chances are you will reclaim more space than by removing the renamed files. I didn't heed you warning and deleted the extra DLLs. Now Windows is claiming it can't find a particular DLL. Where can I get the DLL Windows is asking for? Aha! Told you so! Now go sit in the corner and contemplate what you just did. Just kidding. There are two web sites that we recommend to find most of the commonly distributed DLL files. They are: We're sure they're are more out there, but these two are the ones we recommend. If you find others that you find useful, let us know and we'll add it to the list.How do I restore a file that I've renamed? DLL Checker does not delete any files from your system, it leaves them in their original folders and just renames them. The files are renamed as filename.D_L (or .O_X or .V_X). The DLL Checker program logs the files that get renamed in DLLCHECKER.LOG, found in the directory the program is installed in. In order to rename the file back, use Windows Explorer to rename the file back to its original name. DC101020601 - There are a number of ABC.DLL files on my system, however, no version of it is in my Windows\System folder. Should I still place the newest version in the Windows\System folder? The best practice in this case is to leave the DLLs where they are. Unless you're absolutely sure ABC.DLL was developed by the same company, you should leave them where they are. A really good example is IMAGE.DLL. We know of at least 4 different versions of this file , written by 4 different software vendors, and it's designed to do 4 different things. If you place any one of them in the Windows\System folder, you are almost guaranteed system problems when you try running a program that requires it. DC101040801 - After a scan the duplicate files have the green and yellow color. Can you tell me what is the difference between the two colors? The different colors are just there to help you see the different groups of DLLs. Don't read anything into their meanings. If all the duplicate rows were in the same color, identifying different groups of duplicate files would be difficult. That's why we alternate the color groups. G102050101 - I am unabled to install any VB2Java.Com products because they claim "Cannot find the file MSIEXEC or one of its components. Make sure the path and file name are correct and that all required libraries are available.". What does this mean? All VB2Java.Com products use a service called the Windows Installer Service which come standard with Windows Me, Windows 2000 (all versions) and Windows XP. If you're using Win9x or WinNT, you might get the above mentioned installation error message, or at least something similar. To install the Windows Installer Service on your system, use the following program:
G104082901 - I ordered your software from eMetrix or Qwerks but have not received the link to download the product. What should I do? When you place an order for our products through our authorized resellers, you should receive two email messages from the reseller. The first one will let you know that your order has been processed and provide you with an order number. The second message will provide you with a link that will allow you to download the product you ordered. The link usually expires in 48 hours. If you don't receive the second message or you tried to download the software after the link expired, contact the reseller you made the purchase through (salesATemetrix.com or nbsp;salesATqwerks.com) and include your order number. They will be happy to provide you with a new link. Note: replace the work AT with the @ sign in the e-mail. We did this to prevent e-mail web sniffers from picking up the email address to prevent spamming. |